Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV‐6) Infection and Exanthem Subitum in Thailand

Of 50 patients in Thailand suspected clinically of having exanthem, subitum, 31 (62%) were serodiagnosed as HHV-6 infection. Sixteen strains of HHV-6 from 31 patients (52%) whose antibody titers had converted during convalescence were isolated during the acute phase. The disease occurred in infants from 3 months to 1 year of age and most frequently at age 4-6 months. Antibody only to HHV-6 converted in 23 of 50 patients (46%), and seroconversion to HHV-6 and dengue virus was observed in 7 patients (14%), and to HHV-6 and Coxsackie B virus in 1 case (2%). In the 23 patients in whom seroconversion only to HHV-6 was observed, all had fever and rash which appeared after subsidence of the fever. Lymphadenopathy and relative lymphocytosis were recognized, associated with diarrhea, vomiting, running nose, cough and hepatomegaly. Febrile convulsions were seen in some cases. All patients recovered completely within a week.