A Minicomputer And The Spectroscopist: Optical Spectroscopy Of New Laser Glasses

A computer-operated optical spectroscopy laboratory and programming for the systematic evaluation of new Nd laser materials is described. The computer controls absorption spectrophotometer and grating mono-chromators used for fluorescence measurements. Fluroescence decay and other data are collected and reduced via the computer to complete the characterization of a potential laser glass.. In this spectroscopy, flexibility is required in order to handle special samples and to redirect data collection or reduction procedures at any time. Since people of different backgrounds operate the system, the amount of interaction between the computer and operator is variable from almost none ("standard measurements" run by technicians) to very high (unusual measurements run by spectroscopists). This variable interaction is provided by a single program for a given task. The use of a computer language (BASIC) and a programming style (command structured) which satisfies these requirements is discussed.© (1976) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.