Hysteroscopic Resection of Uterine Septi with Visible Light Laser Energy

Hysteroscopic resection of uterine septi using scissors or a resectoscope has become popular in the last few years. Fiberoptic visible light laser energy from either the KTP or the argon laser can be delivered hysteroscopically and used to vaporize the septum in a fashion similar to the cutting used with scissors or a resectoscope. Eighteen patients with recurrent abortions and significant uterine septi were treated with hysteroscopic vaporization of the septum using either the KTP or the argon laser. Office hysteroscopy was performed postoperatively at 6 weeks to evaluate early healing and revealed no abnormalities in the cavity. With a maximum of only 18 months' follow-up, 10 of the patients have conceived and have either delivered or are progressing normally with pregnancy to date. This report details our experience and the techniques used for this procedure.