The feeding value to sheep of ‘Grasslands Tama’ Westerwolds ryegrass, ‘Grasslands Paroa’ Italian ryegrass, and ‘Grasslands Ruanui’ perennial ryegrass under rotational grazing management

The relative feeding value of ‘Grasslands Tama’ Westerwolds rycgrass and ‘Grasslands Paroa’ Italian ryegrass was 115 compared with 100 for ‘Grasslands Ruanui’ perennial ryegrass. There was no difference between the ryegrass cultivars in gross efficiency of live-weight gain, and the diflcrcnces in feeding value were attributed to the lower organic-matter intake of Ruanui. The feed-to-faeces ratio technique was more satisfactory under rotational grazing (C.Y. 8.6%) than under set-stocking (C.V. 12.4%) in detecting small differences in organic-matter intake. This technique was considered to be more reliable than a herbage cutting technique in estimating intake.

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