Forty-eight patients with a history of moderate to severe closed-head injury (CHI) were examined with neuropsychological measures and computerized tomography (CT). CT scans were assessed with computerized techniques to determine estimated ventricular volumes (VV) and the degree of cortical atrophy (ATVOL) in each patient. VV''s then were used to determine volumetric ventricle-brain ratios (VBR) to correct for head size. The WAIS, Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) and Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery (HRNTB) were administered to all patients. Correlational analyses were undertaken between VBR and ATVOL measures. PIQ but not VIQ was negatively correlated with VBR and ATVOL, particularly in terms of right-hemisphere measures. WMS Memory Quotient (MQ) also was negatively correlated with VBR and ATVOL with no lateralization. Several HRNTB measures similarly were correlated with ventricular and atrophy estimates. Correlational results also were analyzed in terms of the influence of higher and lower VBR and ATVOL, and the prior presence of hematoma. Results are discussed in terms of the latent effects of cerebral damage secondary to CHI on neuropsychological functioning.