Evolution of Brain Injury After Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Neonatal Rats

Stroke in preterm and term babies is common and results in significant morbidity. The vulnerability and pathophysiological mechanisms of neonatal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion may differ from those in the mature cerebral nervous system because of the immaturity of many receptor systems and differences in metabolism in neonatal brain. This study details the neuropathological sequelae of reperfusion-induced brain injury after transient middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion in the postnatal day 7 (P7) rat. P7 rats were subjected to 3 hours of MCA occlusion followed by reperfusion or sham surgery. Diffusion-weighted MRI was performed during MCA occlusion, and maps of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were constructed. Contrast-enhanced MRI was performed in a subset of animals before and 20 minutes after reperfusion. Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining of the brain was performed 24 hours after reperfusion. Immunohistochemistry to identify astrocytes (glial fibrillary acidic protein), reactive microglia (ED-1), and neurons (microtubule-associated protein 2) and cresyl violet staining were done 4, 8, 24, and 72 hours after reperfusion. On contrast-enhanced MRI, nearly complete disruption of cerebral blood flow was evident in the vascular territory of the MCA during occlusion. Partial restoration of blood flow occurred after removal of the suture. A significant decrease of the ADC, indicative of early cytotoxic edema, occurred in anatomic regions with a disrupted blood supply. The decline in ADC was associated with TTC- and cresyl violet-determined brain injury in these regions 24 hours later. The ischemic core was rapidly infiltrated with reactive microglia and was surrounded by reactive astroglia. In P7 rats, transient MCA occlusion causes acute cytotoxic edema and severe unilateral brain injury. The presence of a prominent inflammatory response suggests that both the ischemic episode and the reperfusion contribute to the neuropathological outcome.