Peroxidase Catalyzed Chemical Dip, Egg Shell Surface Contamination, and Hatching

This study tested peroxidase catalyzed compound (PCC) to determine its potential for reduction of egg shell surface contamination and the effects on hatching egg and chick performance. A primary poultry isolate of S. typhimurium (novobiocin and nalidixic acid resistant strain) was used to evaluate the biocidal activity of PCC on autoclaved egg shells. Salmonella level significantly decreased after deionized distilled water (DDW) dip and PCC dips (P < .05). Salmonella levels isolated following PCC dip were significantly lower than those from DDW dip (P < .05). Aerobic plate counts (APC) also decreased after PCC dip (P < 0.01). Hatchability and embryonic mortality were not affected by dip treatments. These results indicated that PCC dipping can be used to reduce egg shell contamination without alteration of hatching and chick quality.