Polarization of Neutrons from theC12(d,n)N13Reaction for Deuteron Energies from 1.7 to 2.8 MeV

Six polarization distributions over the angular range from 10° (lab) to 135° (lab) have been obtained for neutrons produced in the C12(d,n)N13 (G.S.) reaction. The bombarding energy range covered was 1.74 to 2.76 MeV. A spin-precession solenoid and scattering from a helium analyzer were employed in conjunction with improved fast-coincidence circuitry. The polarization is appreciably negative at reaction angles less than 70° (lab) for all energies and ranges from -0.2 to -0.3 at the forward stripping peak. The consistency of this negative polarization with higher energy data is attributable to the predominance of the stripping mechanism over compound-nuclear effects. The reasonably high polarization near the stripping peak leads to a consideration of the reaction's utility as a source of polarized neutrons.