RT-DEFORM: Interactive Ray Tracing of Dynamic Scenes using BVHs

We present an efficient approach for interactive ray tracing of deformable or animated models. Unlike many of the recent approaches for ray tracing static scenes, we use bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) instead of kd-trees as the underlying acceleration structure. Our algorithm makes no assumptions about the simulation or the motion of objects in the scene and dynamically updates or recomputes the BVHs. We also describe a method to detect BVH quality degradation during the simulation in order to determine when the hierarchy needs to be rebuilt. Furthermore, we show that the ray coherence techniques introduced for kd-trees can be naturally extended to BVHs and yield similar improvements. Finally, we compare BVHs to spatial kd-trees, which have been used recently as a replacement for AABB hierarchies. Our algorithm has been applied to different scenarios arising in animation and simulation and consisting of tens of thousands to a million triangles. In practice, our system can ray trace these models at 3-13 frames a second on a desktop PC including secondary rays

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