The vibrations of anisotropic bodies under the influence of sinusoidally variable volume forces and boundary stresses are investigated. The displacement components are represented as sums of a system of "zero-order" solutions which solve approximately the free-vibration problem. By using Betti's theorem, the problem is reduced to a system of inhomogeneous linear equations which, for the free-body case, further reduces to the homogeneous system derived in an earlier paper (reference 2). If the external forces are piezoelectric, the forces are no longer given explicitly because the electrical field distribution is known only if Maxwell's equations are solved simultaneously. However, if the pertinent piezoelectric constants are small, the field can be calculated approximately as if the crystal were not vibrating. The solutions can then be obtained by the above method, and the electric reaction of the crystal upon the driving system can be determined. As an example, forced vibrations of thin quartz plates between parallel electrodes are discussed.