The attenuation of longitudinal ultrasonic waves in FeF2 exhibits a λ anomaly at the paramagnetic-to-antiferromagnetic (P-AF) transition, both in zero and in finite magnetic fields. The P-AF phase boundaries in the HT plane were determined in magnetic fields up to 200 kG directed along the [001] and [110] directions. These boundaries are well described by the relation TNT=CH2, where C=10.0×1011 °K/G2 for H[001], and C=2.0×1011 °K/G2 for H[110]. The Néel temperature is TN=(78.35±0.03) °K. The experimental results for the P-AF phase boundaries are in reasonable agreement with the results of detailed calculations carried out in the molecular field approximation. These calculations include the effects of the anisotropy on TN, and on the coefficient C for fields parallel and perpendicular to the preferred axis. The more general problem of the effect of a single-ion anisotropy on the response of a spin to an effective magnetic field is also considered. A thermodynamic relation, derived by Skalyo et al., for the P-AF phase boundary with H[001] is fairly well satisfied. An unusual behavior was observed for longitudinal waves propagating along [110] with H along [001]. In this configuration, the magnitude of the λ anomaly in the attenuation, at the P-AF phase boundary, increased rapidly with H.