Empirical estimate of detonation parameters in condensed explosives

Based on the available data base on the detonation parameters of existing explosives, an observation was made that by proper normalization with the dynamic pressure - ρoD2 the Chapman-Jouguet states of all explosives converge to a single generic point in the pressure-specific volume plane. With the exception of very few explosives, this point in P-V plane has a variance of less than 1 %. The pressure-particle velocity (P-Up) plot of all Chapman-Jouguet states revealed a simple quadratic relationship between P and Up which, together with the nondimensional identities of the generic point, led to a simple relationship between the initial density (ρo) of an explosive and its detonation velocity (D). Thus, having the values of ρo and D of any explosive, one can easily estimate all of its detonation parameters (PCJ, UCJ, VCJ, and ΓCJ) with an accuracy of less than 3%. However, if the detonation velocity is also not known, it too can be estimated quite accurately, increasing the margin of uncertainty to about 10%.

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