Electron microscopic observations on the castration-induced X zone in the adrenal cortex of male mice

Summary The secondary X zone induced by castration in the adrenal cortex of adult male mice was examined by electron microscopy and radioautography with 3H-thymidine. 10–15 days after castration a thin layer of small eosinophilic cells is formed in the inner-most cortex. Such eosinophilic cells contain irregulary shaped nuclei and spherical or ellipsoidal mitochondria with tubulolamellar cristae, 20–25 days after castration a prominent zone of small eosinophilic cells was clearly identified as the secondary X zone. The typical secondary X zone cells were characterized by the formation of peculiar mitochondrial complexes and whorled sER. The X zone cells with their characteristic organelles incorporated 3H-thymidine. The ultrastructure and formation of the secondary X zone were very similar to those of the primary X zone which appears during normal postnatal development. We demonstrate here the capacity of reticularis cells of adult male mice to transform into typical X zone cells following castration.