En bloc excision of lower ureter and internal iliac vessels for locally advanced upper rectal and rectosigmoid cancer

Eight patients who received en bloc excision of the ureter and internal iliac vessels for locally advanced upper rectal and rectosigmoid cancer were reported. Indications, techniques, functional results of the ileal ureter, and prognosis of these patients are discussed. Although three patients died of recurrent tumor--one of transperitoneal spread and two of liver metastasis--none of them developed local recurrent growth. As a replacement for the resected ureter, ileal substitution was applied in all eight patients--unilateral in six patients and bilateral in two. Serum creatinine and electrolyte patterns were within the normal range in all patients. A voiding cystogram showed no reflux to the anastomosed ureter, and a mild reflux to the ileal segment. The patients had excellent prognoses with regard to local control and also satisfactory functional results with the ileal ureter. The authors recommend that this procedure be applied to patients with locally advanced cancer such as those in this series.