The pretransitional behaviour of a homologous series of mesomorphic compounds, the alkyl cyanobiphenyls (CNρρC n H 2n + 1) for n = 5–12, has been studied as a function of temperature by light scattering in the isotropic phase. The higher homologues, n = 8–12, exhibit a smectic A phase that becomes increasingly important at the expense of the nematic phase for increasing n and for n = 10 and 12 no nematic phase is observed. We have shown from light scattering and differential scanning calorimetry measurements that the presence of the smectic A phase changes markedly the pretransitional behaviour, and gives rise to two distinct pretransitional regions. The first region is for temperatures greater than ∼3°C above the clearing temperature Tc where the systems exhibit a typical pretransitional behaviour adequately described by the phenomenological Landau-de Gennes model of a second order phase transition with an intervering first order transition at Tc . The constants of this model for this region are given and show a distinct odd-even effect. The second region is close to Tc where a strong divergence from the already critical behaviour is observed. This secondary divergence is observed to be a function of the alkyl chain length and its conformation, and is attributed to coupling between smectic A like layers and the orientational order parameter in the isotropic phase.