Relative values of the calculated Auger yields for the major KLL, LMM, MNN, and NOO transitions are listed for those transitions initiated by 1, 3, 5, and 10 kV primary electron beams. Additionally, these values are normalized to sensitivity factors in the Handbook of Auger Electron Spectroscopy for the specific transitions and primary voltages. The calculated yields can be used for quantitation if the Auger spectra were collected in the N(E) mode; the yields which have been normalized to Handbook values attempt to account for different derivative peak shapes and can be used for quantitation if the Auger spectra were collected in the dN(E)/dE mode. A discussion of the assumptions used in the calculated values outlines the cases in which care must be used. Internal calibration is recommended for accurate quantitation of transitions with an energy less than 200 eV.