Clinical and Laboratory Studies on Hookworm Disease in Colombia

Summary Detailed clinical history and physical examination, including a dietary inquiry, x-ray chest films, and parasitological, hematological and bone marrow studies, were carried out on 39 patients with hookworm anemia; electrocardiographic examinations were made on 33 and plasma and total blood volume determinations, on 25 of these subjects. The hematological studies revealed a hypochromic microcytic type of anemia in which anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, polychromatophilia and reticulocytosis were usually present, but with a high percentage of patients showing marked macrocytic changes accompanied by a rather high percentage of megaloblasts in the bone marrow and hyperplasia of the erythrocytic and eosinophilic series. The blood volume was above normal in 64% of the patients; the remainder had a normovolemic oligocythemia. The most frequent electrocardiographic changes present were low voltage, prolongation of electrical systole, sinus tachycardia and ST- and T-wave changes. The anemia and associated abnormalities were corrected by anthelmintic treatment, given on 3 consecutive days and without a purge, along with iron therapy and adequate diet.

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