Dynamic changes in Sertoli cell processes invading spermatid cytoplasm during mouse spermiogenesis

Studies using thick sections stained by ATPase cytochemistry and scanning electron microscopy were carried out to determine three-dimensional ultrastructural alterations in Sertoli cell processes invading neighboring spermatids during mouse spermiogenesis. Sertoli cell processes start invading spermatid cytoplasm at the acrosomal phase of development and undergo considerable change at the maturation phase of development. At step 14, these processes elongate and begin to branch in the spermatid cytoplasm, and by step 15, they extend in various directions to form a complex of canals that the authors have designated the canal complex. The present observations also clarify that the complicated canal complex undergoes regional modification. At the late stages of maturation, the endoplasmic reticulum had gathered with other cell organelles to form aggregates of endoplasmic reticulum in the vicinity of which invading Sertoli cell processes extensively ramify further into thin tubules that intertwine with each other to form a region of thin tubules. In thin sections, each such region was a complex, consisting of small vesicles and endoplasmic reticulum, and corresponded to what has been defined as a mixed body by Morales and Clermont (Anat. Rec., 203:233–244, 1982). During the course of the formation of the region, the invading Sertoli cell processes are continuous at all times with the cell body of the surrounding Sertoli cell.