Salmonellae of Serotypes Gallinarum and Pullorum Grouped by Biotyping and Fimbrial-Gene Probing

When salmonellae of serotypes Gallinarum (50 isolates) and Pullorum (36 isolates), that produce non-adhesive (type-2) fimbriae, were tested for their reactions in biochemical tests, 81 (94%) were found to belong to three distinct biochemical groups, I-III. Interaction of HinfI-digested DNA of both Gallinarum and Pullorum with a probe of accessory genes of type-1 fimbriation in serotype Typhimurium gave one type of Southern hybridisation pattern that was readily distinguished from that of Typhimurium strains. With a probe of the Typhimurium fimbrial subunit gene, Pullorum isolates were separated into strongly and weakly probe-reactive groups which showed restriction fragment-length polymorphism; these latter groups corresponded to biochemical groups II and III, respectively.