Photodissociation of oxygen molecules at 226 nm in the Herzberg I system

Doppler profiles of O(2p 3Pj) (j=2,1,0) produced from the photodissociation of O2 in the Herzberg I system (A3Σ+uX3Σg) at 226 nm are measured with a resonance‐enhanced multiphoton ionization technique. The anisotropy parameter for the angular distribution of the photofragments is found to be 1.6±0.4, in quantitative agreement with theory and indicating that the Herzberg I system borrows most of its intensity from a parallel band. The branching ratios to the j levels of O(2p 3Pj) (j=2,1,0) are found to be (2.5±0.3):1:(0.26±0.03) and are compared with the values expected for the limits of adiabatic and diabatic dissociation.