Effect of Stage of Rigor and of Freezing–Thawing Processes On Storage Quality of Refrozen Cod

Trawler-caught cod were frozen before and after rigor mortis in brine (23% NaCI) and between refrigerated plates, thawed in circulating water at 7 C or in a conveyorized microwave oven, then processed into fillets which were packaged, plate-frozen, and stored at −18 C.All samples thawed satisfactorily in circulating water. Some overheating was encountered during thawing in microwaves. But the equipment was not developed sufficiently to permit assessment of the commercial potential of microwave thawing.Examinations of the fillets from the thawed fish for appearance, odor, and texture showed that freezing pre-rigor is preferable to freezing post-rigor and that thawing by means of microwaves is preferable to thawing by means of water. Freezing or thawing methods did not affect the pH of the thawed fillets.Results of organoleptic and chemical tests to determine the changes in quality of the refrozen fillets packaged and stored at −18 C for 12 months indicated that neither the average taste panel scores nor the chemical tests for moisture, total lipid, free fatty acids, and extractable protein nitrogen showed any difference attributable to state of rigor, freezing method, or thawing method. The taste panel slightly preferred the texture of fillets from fish frozen pre-rigor and from fish frozen in brine. Free fatty acids increased sharply as a result of thawing and refreezing, and the rapid increase continued during the first 2 months of frozen storage. Taste panel scores correlated significantly with free fatty acids (1% level) and with extractable protein (5% level).