Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers extremely long T-DNAs by a unidirectional mechanism

During crown gall tumorigenesis, part of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid, the T-DNA, integrates into plant DNA. Direct repeats define the left and right ends of the T-DNA, but tumorigenesis requires only the right-hand repeat. Virulence (vir) genes act in trans to mobilize the T-DNA into plant cells. Transfer of T-DNA begins when the VirD endonuclease cleaves within the right-hand border repeat. Although the T-DNA right-border repeat promotes T-DNA transmission best in its normal orientation, an inverted right border exhibits reduced but significant activity. Two models may account for this diminished tumorigenesis. The right border may function bidirectionally, with strong activity only in its wild-type orientation, or it may promote T-DNA transfer in a unidirectional manner such that, with an inverted right border, transfer proceeds around the entire Ti plasmid before reaching the T-DNA. To determine whether a substantial portion of the Ti plasmid is transferred to plant cells, as predicted by the unidirectional-transfer hypothesis, we examined T-DNAs in tumors induced by strains containing a Ti plasmid with a right border inverted with respect to the T-DNA oncogenes. These tumors contained extremely long T-DNAs corresponding to most or all of the Ti plasmid. To test whether the right border can function bidirectionally, we inserted T-DNAs with either a properly oriented or an inverted right border into a specific site in the A. tumefaciens chromosome. A border situated to transfer the oncogenes first directed T-DNA transfer even from the bacterial chromosome, whereas a border in the opposite (inverted) orientation did not transfer the oncogenes to plant cells. Our results indicate that the right-border repeat functions in a unidirectional manner.