The effect of Eagle's minimal essential medium, containing different fetal bovine serum (FBS) concentrations, on the proliferation and replicative life span of cultured chick cells has been studied. Our results showed that the rate of chick cell proliferation and the cell density at stationary phase increased as a function of serum concentration between 5 and 30% FBS. The replicative life span of cultured chick cells was dependent on the FBS concentration between 5 and 20% in a medium volume of 0.20 ml/cm2. The maximum replicative life span of chick cells was obtained by serially propagating cells in a medium volume of 0.20 ml/cm2 containing 20 or 30% FBS, or, alternatively, in 0.53 ml/cm2 containing 10, 20 or 30% FBS. Cells grown in medium containing 5% serum had a calendar life span of 35 days, whereas cells propagated in medium containing higher serum concentrations had a calendar life span of 50 days. These results reenforce the concept that, although the kinetics of cell population aging can be affected by the culture medium composition, the aging of cells in culture is controlled by alterations within the cell.