A field experiment was made on a sandy clay loam soil during the rainy seasons of 1967 and 1968 to study the relative efficiency of urea, N-serve treated urea, AM-fertilizer, IBDU fertilizer and nitrogen-enriched coal for the rice variety IR-8. Nitrogen-enriched coal supplied very little nitrogen to rice. All other materials were superior to urea. Largest yield of rough rice and nitrogen uptake was obtained with IBDU. The yield of rough rice given by AM-fertilizer was equal to that with IBDU in 1968; in that year both AM-fertilizer and N-serve treated urea supplied as much N to the crop as IBDU. Yield of straw showed no significant difference between these three materials in either year. Ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen in soil at flowering and at harvest of the rice was most in plots receiving IBDU followed by those receiving AM-fertilizer, N-serve treated urea and urea. Mineral nitrogen in plots receiving N-enriched coal was only slightly more than in control plots.