The effects of magnesium compounds and of fertilizers on the mineral composition of herbage and on the incidence of hypomagnesaemia in dairy cows

1. An experiment, lasting 3 years, was carried out to investigate the control of hypomagnesaemia on a medium-heavy loam soil in Northern Ireland, using as criteria herbage analysis and analysis of blood sera of grazing dairy cows.2. Applications of calcined magnesite and magnesian limestone as soil treatments raised the magnesium contents of herbage slightly but not to levels judged to be safe. Low blood sorum magnesium levels were recorded for cows grazing this herbage although no cases of tetany occurred.3. Magnesium sulphate, appliedas a spray, temporarily raised the ‘apparent’ magnesium content of the herbage but was easily washed off by rain.4. Finely powdered calcined magnesite applied as a dust to the herbage immediately before grazing appeared to be a promising method of control under Northern Ireland conditions.