Studies on Deoxyribonucleic Acid Content and Cell Count of Human Heart Muscle

In order to confirm a possibility of cell division in the heart muscle, chemical and microspectrophotometric determination of the DNA content and histometrical estimation of the cell count of human heart muscle obtained at autopsy were performed. The following conclusions were obtained. (1) The DNA content per single nucleus of heart muscle cell and of interstitial cell was the same, regardless of difference of cell kind, age, and heart weight. The absolute DNA content per each nucleus was 0.950-1.083×10-11Gm. (2) The DNA content per 100mg. of heart weight ranged from 60μg. to 136μg., but was proportional to the cell count estimated in an unit heart muscle volume. (3) The heart weight was normal or less in malignant tumor group. The cell count in an unit muscle volume increased and the DNA content also increased. On the contrary, the cell count in an unit muscle volume was unchanged in renal and cardiovascular groups (so-called hypertrophied hearts), and the DNA content was rather constant even with the increase in heart weight. These results seem to substantiate our view that the cellular hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy occurs in these so-called hypertrophied hearts.