Routine defined means any regular course of action or procedure adhered to through force of habit. Fifty-three years ago Fitz described acute appendicitis, and since then opinions and procedures of surgeons adhered to through force of habit have been responsible for the major part of the management of patients suffering with this disease and its complications. No more striking illustration of this fact can be found than what is called the mortality of acute appendicitis. During these five decades, thousands of articles have been written about it; eminent men who are relied on for accurate statements regarding the mortality of the disease have used the term, but there is practically no mortality from acute appendicitis. One in 183 dies. Patients die of peritonitis, not appendicitis. Likewise because of force of habit, surgeons have not discussed with physicians the problem of spreading peritonitis complicating acute appendicitis. Physiciansknow that the mortality

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