The morphology and life history ofMazoyerellagen. nov. (M. arachnoidea(Harvey) comb. nov.)—Rhodophyta, Ceramiaceae—from Southern Australia

Mazoyerella gen. nov., based on Corynospora arachnoidea Harvey from Tasmania, is placed provisionally in the Compsothamnieae tribe of the Ceramiaceae. All plants can produce elongate-ovoid monosporangia which reproduce the same phase. Sporophytes also bear polysporangia and sexual plants are dioecious, bearing either spermatangial heads or subterminal procarps followed by carposporophytes with nearly all gonimoblast cells becoming carposporangia and an involucrum of sterile filaments developing from sterile cells associated with the procarp. The life-history has been followed through successive generations in culture.