The disordered system Rb2MnxCr1-xCl4 has competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. The phase transition in a single crystal with x=0.75 has been studied by neutron scattering techniques at the Institut Laue-Langevin. The dominant interactions in this system are between nearest-neighbour ions in the two-dimensional magnetic sheets and the behaviour above the ordering temperature is consistent with that of a two-dimensional Heisenberg model. At 34 K there is a phase transition to an antiferromagnetic structure with three-dimensional ordering below which the spins align in the magnetic planes. The phase transition proceeds therefore because of a cross-over produced by the anisotropy and the small interactions between the magnetic sheets. The order parameter increases only slowly with decreasing temperature with beta =0.52+or-0.10. The reasons for this behaviour are discussed.