Components of delay time in suspected acute myocardial infarction with particular emphasis on patient delay

Two hundred and thirty-four patients admitted to a coronary care unit (CCU) were interviewed a few days after arrival in hospital to determine reasons for patient delay and the various components of total delay time from onset of symptoms to arrival in CCU. Of the three major components of delay, decision time (time from onset of symptoms to decision to go to hospital), and hospital procedure time (time from arrival in hospital to arrival in the CCU), were of the same magnitude, 1 h 15 min and 1 h 30 min (median), whereas the median time for preparation and transportation to hospital was somewhat shorter, being 45 min. Decision time appeared to be similar in patients with confirmed and non-confirmed acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and was not associated with intensity of pain or infarct size. Half of the patients hesitated to go to hospital, which resulted in a prolonged decision delay (3 h). It is concluded that patient indecision to seek medical help is the most important reason for delay in hospital arrival in patients with suspected AMI.