Methods of concentration and purification of the crystalline [female] sex hormone, progynon, are discussed. Determination of its efficiency is dependent on the injection technique. Single injection in oil solution into at least 6 mice per dose up to the floundering (loss of control) stage of 75-80% of the test animals yielded absolutely reliable and definite data for comparison. The crystallized chemically pure hormone (M.P. 245[degree]) was tested physiologically with different types of injection technique. Progynon showed in a single injection test an efficiency value of 8-9 million mouse units per gm., with 2-3 injections within 12-14 hrs. a value of 15 million m.u. per gm. with 4-6 injections within 36-40 hrs. 30 million m.u. and with 6 injections within 48 hrs. 35-40 million m.u. The last tests were repeated with the concentrations and technique of other authors. By comparison, the hormone prepared by Wieland, Straub and Dorfmuller is impure and contains only 1/15 of progynon activity. Progynon is 4 times as effective as the best preparation of E. Laqueur. The determined efficiency of progynon is constant and always repeatable; the presence of the p ure female sex hormone in the crystals is thus demonstrated.