The success rate in a Swedish in‐vitro fertilization unit: a cohort study

Objective. To evaluate the cumulative childbirth rate after completion of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment including three or, in a few cases, four stimulated cycles. Design. A cohort of 398 couples starting their first IVF treatment between January 1990 and December 1992 were followed until completion of their treatment. Results. Of 826 started cycles, embryo transfer was performed in 793 cycles, giving a mean of 2.0 completed cycles per couple. In addition, cryopreserved embryos were transferred in 228 cycles (0.57 cycles per couple). 204 couples completed their treatment with delivery or with an ongoing pregnancy, 95 couples underwent three stimulated cycles without achieving an ongoing pregnancy and 66 couples cancelled their treatment after one or two cycles because of varying reasons. In seven women no transfer took place. Twenty-six women have not yet completed their planned cycles. Of 398 couples, where the vast majority had completed their IVF treatment, 51% (204) delivered as a result of the treatment. Conclusion. IVF treatment combined with freezing of surplus embryos, is a highly effective procedure giving a ‘take home baby rate’ on a cumulative basis of more than 50% within 1 to 3 cycles.