Determination ofZ′gauge couplings to quarks and leptons at future hadron colliders

We point out that at future hadron colliders the ratio of cross sections for ppZl+l in two rapidity bins is a useful probe of the relative couplings of the Z to u and d quarks. Combined with the forward-backward asymmetry, the rare decay modes ZWlνl, and three associated productions ppZV(V=Z, W, γ), and assuming interfamily universality, small ZZ mixing, and the Z charge commuting with the SU(2)L generators, three out of four normalized couplings could be extracted. An analysis of the statistical uncertainties expected for the above probes at the CERN LHC for typical models with MZ1 TeV shows that one lepton coupling and two combinations of quark couplings could be determined to around 5%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. This allows for a clear distinction between models.
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