Combined deficiency of protease-activated receptor-4 and fibrinogen recapitulates the hemostatic defect but not the embryonic lethality of prothrombin deficiency

The availability of the relevant mutant mouse lines provided an opportunity to test the doctrine that platelet activation and fibrin formation account for the importance of thrombin for hemostasis. Prothrombin-deficient mice that survive to birth exsanguinate in the perinatal period. By contrast, protease-activated receptor 4 (PAR4)–deficient mice, which have platelets that fail to respond to thrombin, survive to adulthood with only a mild bleeding diathesis, and fibrinogen-deficient mice show perinatal bleeding but those that survive this period can have a relatively normal life expectancy. We now report that mice that lacked both PAR4 and fibrinogen exsanguinated at birth like prothrombin-deficient mice. However, while approximately half of prothrombindeficient embryos die during midgestation, mice lacking both PAR4 and fibrinogen developed normally. At face value, these results suggest that platelet activation and fibrin formation are together sufficient to account for the importance of thrombin for hemostasis but not for its importance for embryonic development.