Agar oligosaccharides in the neoagarobiose series were prepared by partial enzyme hydrolysis, separated on Biogel P2 and P4, and analyzed by high‐performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection, yielding neoagarosaccharide fractions with a disaccharide repetition degree ranging from 1 (neoagarobiose) to more than 8 (neoagarohexadecaose). These fractions were analyzed for their biological activity toward the marine red alga Gracilaria conferta (Schousboe ex Montagne) J. et G. Feldmann in terms of increase of oxygen consumption, release of hydrogen peroxide, elimination of epiphytic bacteria, and induction of thallus tip bleaching. The structure–activity and dose–response relationships of neoagarosaccharides were very similar in the respiratory and oxidative burst responses and in their bactericidal properties, with neoagarosaccharides consisting of 6 to 8 disaccharide repeating units being the most active. All these responses were competitively inhibited by the reduced form of neoagarohexaose, neoagarohexaitol. In contrast, the tip‐bleaching response was light dependent, required much higher concentrations of neoagarosaccharides, and was not inhibited by neoagarohexaitol, suggesting that it is an unspecific oxidative stress reaction. Putative structural effects on the recognition of endogenous agar‐oligosaccharide elicitors by G. conferta are discussed.