Probably every physician who performs the Wassermann test adopts certain minor variations in technic, which tend to make the test more satisfactory in his hands. It is always interesting and instructive to learn the writer's technic before reading his results. The Noguchi modification of the test has been used in the board of health laboratory at Ancon because it is one of the most accurate complement deviation tests for syphilis, because every reagent may be titrated separately and standardized, and because there is always abundant opportunity for obtaining human blood. TECHNIC Corpuscle Suspension. —A little over 1 c.c. of human blood is taken in 9 c.c. of a solution containing 0.9 per cent, salt and 1.5 per cent, sodium citrate. The corpuscles are washed three times with normal salt solution and then centrifugalized for measurement. As 1 c.c. of blood contains approximately 0.4 c.c. of corpuscles, the