Solving the supersymmetricCPproblem with flavor breakingFterms

Supersymmetric flavor models for the radiative generation of fermion masses offer an alternative way to solve the SUSY-CP problem. We assume that the supersymmetric theory is flavor and CP conserving. CP violating phases are associated to the vacuum expectation values of flavor violating SUSY-breaking fields. As a consequence, phases appear at tree level only in the soft supersymmetry-breaking matrices. Using a U(2) flavor model as an example we show that it is possible to generate radiatively the first and second generation of quark masses and mixings as well as the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) CP phase. The one-loop supersymmetric contributions to electric dipole moments are automatically zero since all the relevant parameters in the Lagrangian are flavor conserving and as a consequence real. The size of the flavor and CP mixing in the SUSY-breaking sector is mostly determined by the fermion mass ratios and CKM elements. We calculate the contributions to ϵ, ϵ and to the CP asymmetries in the B decays to ψKs, ϕKs, ηKs and Xsγ. We analyze a case study with maximal predictivity in the fermion sector. For this worst case scenario the measurements of ΔmK, ΔmB and ϵ constrain the model requiring extremely heavy squark spectra.