The bulbous roots of Haemodorum corymbosum Vahl. yield a red crystalline glycoside, haemocorin, which is readily hydrolysed to cellobiose and the purple-red aglycone, C20H14O4. The latter contains one methoxyl group and gives a diacetate and isomeric mono- and dimethyl ethers. The absorption spectra and other properties of these compounds suggest a polycyclic tautomeric enolone structure. Oxidation of a dimethyl ether gives a compound C22H18O7, believed to be a lactol ester, and a compound C20H14O5, which is apparently a polycyclic aromatic anhydride. These results indicate that the aglycone is a polycyclic enolic α-diketone, possibly of the indandione type.

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