In recent years, lobectomy has been frequently employed as one of the definitive operative procedures in the treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma.1,7,8 At present we9 select it as the procedure of choice in all patients with peripherally located tumors which neither transgress a fissure nor present evidence of gross lymph node involvement. Even if such involvement is present, a lobectomy may be elected as a compromise procedure in the very elderly patient or one with markedly reduced cardiorespiratory reserves. Occasionally, a lobectomy with a bronchial sleeve resection of a localized hilar carcinoma may be indicated. As a result of this policy, lobectomy has been employed as the definitive procedure in 49% of the last 137 patients who have undergone resection of a bronchogenic carcinoma. Since this operation has been employed in almost one half of the patients, it was thought to be important to investigate its effectiveness and attempt