Serum Gonadotropins in Cryptorchidism

Serum gonadotropins have been measured in 35 unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid individuals and categorized by stage of sexual development and the presence of none, one, or two testes at operation. Values for luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were elevated in bilaterally anorchic individuals. The LH values were normal in unilaterally and bilaterally cryptorchid boys, except for a high value in one pubertally aged boy whose testicular histologic age was less than 4 years. In contrast, six boys had FSH values outside the range of normal. Hence, elevated FSH concentrations may correlate with compromised testicular function, while elevated LH levels apparently indicate lack of gonadal tissue even in the young boy. If LH levels are elevated in bilaterally cryptorchid individuals, extensive retroperitoneal dissection to locate testes is unnecessary.