Simultaneous determination of trace elements in lavage fluids from human bronchial alveoli by energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence. 3. Routine analysis.

We applied the energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence technique to determination of trace elements in human bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. Our analysis of more than 200 samples allowed us to determine normal reference values, to be used in characterizing occupational exposure. These values are expressed both in nanograms per 1000 cells (of all kinds) and nanograms per 1000 macrophages to correlate lavage efficiency and dust content of the alveoli. The result expressed in milligrams per liter is not sufficient, because some healthy volunteers showed high concentrations of iron but normal values when expressed vs the number of cells. Some examples of abnormal compositions of broncho-alveolar lavages are reported and the fully automated spectrometer developed for clinical and biological investigations is described.