Bridge/atop site conversion of CO on Ni(111): Determination of the binding energy difference

A rapid site exchange process is observed in the equilibrated chemisorbed layer of CO on Ni(111). Following adsorption at 298 K, the relative populations of CO adsorbed on atop sites and twofold bridge sites are monitored by the high resolution electron energy loss intensities of the respective CO vibrational modes as a function of surface temperature. Since equilibrium is established, the binding energy difference between the terminal and bridge adsorption sites is determined. The bridge site is more stable than the atop site by 0.94±0.15 kcal/mol at a coverage of 0.13. As the coverage is increased to 0.42, the difference in binding energies decreases to 0.44±0.07 kcal/mol. At saturation coverage, 0.5, the binding energy difference effectively becomes very large, resulting in CO occupation of the twofold bridge sites exclusively.