Energy levelsin98251Cf populated in the α decayof100255Fm

Gamma-ray spectra of a 20-h 255Fm source containing 1 mCi activity were measured with a 25% Ge detector and a low-energy photon spectrometer (LEPS). Gamma lines with intensities as low as 1.0×106% per 255Fm α decay were observed. Gamma-gamma coincidence spectra of a 255Fm sample were measured with the GAMMASPHERE array. A comparison of the γ-ray spectrum gated by the Cf Kα x-ray peak with the γ-singles spectrum provided spins of the excited states in 251Cf. The γ-ray data, in conjunction with previously measured 250Cf(d,p) reaction data, allowed us to characterize several single-particle and vibrational states above the N=152 subshell gap.