This paper discusses the suitability of a boson-second-quantization (BSQ) formalism for the description of cooperative atomic behavior—such as that encountered in quantum optics or laser-type phenomena. The physical significance of BSQ energy states and atomic coherent states, as well as the corresponding first quantization descriptions, are discussed. Specialization to the case in which the individual atomic systems are characterized by two levels allows comparison of the BSQ theory with other theories of cooperative behavior, not all of which can be generalized to the case of more than two levels. Passage to the classical limit, an analytical process that must be possible for macroscopic phenomena, is shown to be accomplished very simply in the BSQ formalism by conversion of the small number of collective (quantum mechanical) variables to classical random variables which are prescribed according to the quantum state of the total system. It is found that conventional semiclassical theory is a special case of the fully classical limit of the BSQ formalism, the specialization being the requirement that the system be in an atomic coherent state. The justification for the identification of coherent states with a classical description and energy states with a quantum-mechanical description, found in some of the literature on two-level systems, is questioned.