Excitation Energy and Lifetime of theO157276-keV State

An accurate determination of the energy of the sixth excited state in O15 has been carried out because of the proximity of this level to the proton binding energy and the resulting possibility of its importance in the stellar formation of O15. Gamma rays from this state occurring in the N14(d, n)O15 reaction at Ed=3.2 MeV were measured by means of a Ge(Li) detector at 90° to the beam. The transition leading to the (5241.3±0.5)-keV level of O15 is found to have an energy of 2034.7±0.3 keV. Thus the O15 level in question has an energy of 7276.0±0.6 keV, which is 16.8±1.3 keV below the proton binding energy of 7292.8±1.2 keV. From a measurement at 0° to the beam the 0°-90° Doppler shift of the 2035-keV gamma ray is found to be 2.3±0.4 keV. For a very short lifetime the expected Doppler shift is 14.4±1.3 keV. The observed shift corresponds to a mean lifetime of (1.25±0.3)×1012 sec for the 7276-keV state of O15.