Sampling is a core component for many graphics applications including rendering, imaging, animation, and geometry processing. The efficacy of these applications often crucially depends upon the distribution quality of the underlying samples. While uniform sampling can be analyzed by using existing spatial and spectral methods, these cannot be easily extended to general non-uniform settings, such as adaptive, anisotropic, or non-Euclidean domains. We present new methods for analyzing non-uniform sample distributions. Our key insight is that standard Fourier analysis, which depends on samples' spatial locations, can be reformulated into an equivalent form that depends only on the distribution of their location differentials. We call this differential domain analysis. The main benefit of this reformulation is that it bridges the fundamental connection between the samples' spatial statistics and their spectral properties. In addition, it allows us to generalize our method with different computation kernels and differential measurements. Using this analysis, we can quantitatively measure the spatial and spectral properties of various non-uniform sample distributions, including adaptive, anisotropic, and non-Euclidean domains.
Funding Information
  • Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF-0746577)

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