The cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition of RbCaF3 at T0=198 K has been studied on single crystals and powder samples utilizing diffraction techniques with various types of radiation. From our x-ray experiments we have determined the temperature dependence of the domain distribution. In particular an anisotropic distribution of domains was found close above T0. The neutron-diffraction data obtained from powder samples were taken to extract the critical exponent β free from the influence of domains. We find β=0.25(1). We show that the bond lengths of the Ca-F bond exhibit a pronounced minimum at the transition. The fluctuations of the order parameter (ϕ2ϕ2)0.5 are compared with ϕ to determine the critical region below T0. A peak in ϕ2 is found for the first time in the neutron experiments. The Mössbauer γ-ray-diffraction experiments were performed in order to separate elastic and inelastic scattering components from the central peak above T0 and from the superlattice point ½(311)cubic below T0 with an energy resolution of 60 neV.