The BvgAS signal transduction system of Bordetella controls an entire spectrum of gene expression states in response to differences in environmental conditions. In particular, the Bordetella Bvg-intermediate-phase gene bipA displays a complex regulatory pattern in response to various concentrations of modulators. Expression of bipA is low in the absence of modulating signals, maximal at intermediate concentrations of modulators, and near background levels at high concentrations of modulators. bipA is regulated at the transcriptional level, and the bipA promoter contains multiple BvgA binding sites present both upstream and downstream of the transcriptional initiation site. In vivo transcriptional analyses, utilizing several mutant promoter fusions to the reporter enzyme β-galactosidase, suggest that the upstream binding site IR1 is essential for expression and that the downstream binding sites IR2 and IR3 are involved in transcriptional repression. Mutations of IR2 or IR3 convert the expression profile of bipA from that of a Bvg-intermediate-specific-phase gene to that of a Bvg + -phase gene. To gain insight into the mechanism responsible for differential bipA regulation, DNase I protection studies were conducted with various mutant promoters. These analyses suggest that IR1 and IR2 function as core binding sites and are the primary determinants for the phosphorylation-induced oligomerization of BvgA to the adjacent regions.