We addressed the impact of the artificial urinary sphincter on the health related quality of life and urinary symptoms in men with post-radical prostatectomy incontinence. A total of 30 men with an AMS800 artificial urinary sphincter following radical prostatectomy responded to a questionnaire dealing with the impact of the symptoms on activities of daily living and quality of life. We compared these results to those of 31 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy but did not require an artificial urinary sphincter. Incontinence was minimal in both groups. Irritative symptoms were noted in the artificial urinary sphincter group, as well as some impairment in activities of daily living. No significant differences were noted with respect to quality of life. The artificial urinary sphincter is an effective form of therapy for post-radical prostatectomy incontinence but irritative voiding symptoms occur, which tend to limit activities of daily living.