It is concluded that the lectotype of Cudoniella should be C. queletii (Fr. ) Sacc. It is stated that Helotium was first validly published by Merat (Nouvelle flore Paris) in June 1821, with H. agariciforme Merat (H. aciculare Fr. ) the lectotype. Cudoniella queletii and Helotium aciculare are considered conspecific and Cudoniella therefore becomes a synonym for Helotium. It is shown that H. aciculare is in an intermediate position between the Geoglossaceae and Helotiaceae. Helotium cudonioides Seaver is considered to be a synonym of H. aciculare, Cudoniella borealis Linder is transferred to Helotium as H. boreale with Cudoniella muscorum Linder as a synonym.